
Leave Your Legacy.

Share private and public videos with your loved ones long after you’ve passed.

The world’s first platform
for delayed, meaningful
video sharing.

How will you be Remembered?

Legacy currently offers 6 different unique video sharing dialogues. How you tell your story is up to you.

Tell a Story

Share stories from your life and reminisce on times well spent with your loved ones.

Thoughts & Ideas

Talk about whatever is on your mind. Dive deep into personal thoughts and inspire your loved ones.

Give Advice

You can always be the voice of reason. Provide advice on a wide range of topics.

Share a Secret

Let it all out. Now is the time to tell the truth and spill your heart to those who matter.

Live Experience

In the middle of an exciting life experience? Share it with your loved ones in their moment of need.

Future Event

Pre-plan videos to be delivered on special occasions. Once you’ve passed, this allows you to stay present.

You control your

Videos are encrypted and stored until you want them to be shared. Some release immediately, while others can be saved for a special occasion.

  • Birthdays
  • Anniversaries
  • Holidays
  • Weddings, Graduations, and more.

Your loved one will get a push notification when the day comes, allowing you to always stay present.

Keeping your Spirit Alive.

Legacy is an experimental app with a simple vision: Keeping loved ones connected, even after death.

While the concept of death is viewed as a taboo subject, we see preventative planning as a necessity in life. As we all know, only two things in life are certain. If you were to pass unexpectedly, would there be things left unsaid? Your loved ones need you. Be there.